Songlin Zeng

姓名: Songlin Zeng

系: Department of Finance,

职称:Associate Professor

研究方向:International Finance, Digital Finance, International Capital Flow, Exchange Rate Theory and Exchange Rate Policy, Corporate Finance.


Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Master's Tutor. The main research fields are International Finance, Digital Finance and Quantitative Finance. His research has been published in leading finance journals, such as Journal of Intellectual Finance, Journal of International Financial Market, Institution and Money, China Finance Review International, Applied Economics Letters, and Studies of International Finance. He hosted and participated in the projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the joint project of the Ministry of Finance and the Province, the project of Fundamental Research Operating Expenses for the Central Universities.


Undergraduates: International Finance (Bilingual), International Finance

2010.09—2013.09 ESSEC Business School & University of Cergy Pontoise, Ph.D. in International Economics.

2009.09—2010.07 ESSEC Business School, MBA (Research)

2007.09—2009.07 University of Cergy Pontoise, Economics and Finance, Master's Degree

2001.09—2005.07 Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Bachelor's Degree in Management Science.


1. Zeng S, Wang Z, Hueng C J, et al. Does too much finance suppress a country’s participation in the global value chains?[J]. Applied Economics Letters, 2022, 29(16): 1504-1508.

2. Zeng S, Zhouyi Liu, Sainan Huang.Economic Policy Uncertainty, Financial Development and Bilateral Cross-Border Banking Capital Flows [J]. Studies of International Finance,2022(10):61-71.

3. Zeng S, Qinqin Wu, Sainan Huang. The Economic Effects and Policy Implications of Extreme International Capital Flows -- From the Perspective of Sub-Components of Capital Account [J]. Studies of International Finance,2021(08):34-43.

4. Sainan Huang, Yanwei Liu, Zeng S. Does the Trade Openness impact Extreme International Capital Flows? --Analysis based on 54 Economies’ Panel Data [J]. Studies of International Finance,2020(03):45-54.


  1.  Chapter 1, Studies of International Finance (4th Edition) [M]. China Financial Publishing House, 2022.

  2.  Chapter 4, China Financial Development Report [R].China Financial Publishing House, 2017-2022.


1. “Policy Choice of China's Macro-control under The Trade Disputes between China and the United States.” Competitive Research Project jointly built by The Ministry of Finance and The Province, 2020.03-2020.12, Project Leader.

2. “Research of China Economic Cycle.” Competitive Research Project jointly built by The Ministry of Finance and The Province, 2022.03-2022.12, Project Leader.

3. “Research on the Influential Mechanism of Trade Openness on Extreme International Capital Flows.” Young Teachers' Innovative Research Project--Fundamental Research Operating Expenses for the Central Universities, 2020, Project Leader.

4. “A Study on the Relationship between Extreme International Capital Flows and Current Account: a Comparative Study of Countries.” Major international Cooperation Projects for International Exchange in 2021, 2021, Project Leader.
