The innovative teaching and research method led by Professor Zhu Xinrong was selected into the typical list of pilot construction of the Virtual Teaching and Research Office of the Ministry of Education

In order to further implement the important deployment of promoting education digitization and training high-quality teachers in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deepen the construction of virtual teaching and research rooms, and increase typical demonstrations, the expert group for the construction of virtual teaching and research rooms has carried out the work of selecting typical virtual teaching and research rooms, typical teaching and research methods, and typical teaching and research results.

Based on the annual report data of each virtual teaching and research room, the typical list of pilot construction of virtual teaching and research room is formed through the work procedures such as the recommendation of the discipline collaboration group and the demonstration of the virtual teaching and research room construction expert group, including 50 typical virtual teaching and research rooms, 100 typical teaching and research methods, and 50 typical teaching and research results. The typical list of virtual teaching and research office pilot construction was released on December 13.

Among them, the innovative teaching and research method led by Professor Zhu Xinrong, who is in charge of the Virtual Teaching and Research Office of Bank Management courses, Finding the blending point of ideological and political , professional and platform, exploring the new model of curriculum ideological and political , was selected into the typical list of pilot construction of the virtual Teaching and Research Office of the Ministry of Education.

Teaching and research Section Type: Course (group) teaching class

Teaching and Research Section Name: Banking Management course virtual teaching and research section

Head of Teaching and Research Department: Zhu Xinrong (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)


Introduction: The construction of virtual teaching and research room of Bank management course is a new grass-roots teaching organization construction in the intelligent + era, based on the physical teaching and research room and the pilot course of Commercial Bank Management. Make use of the existing discipline accumulation, teachers and other resources of the Bank Management Teaching and Research Office, carry out extensive education and teaching research and exchange activities, strengthen the deep integration of information technology and education and teaching, and comprehensively improve the teaching ability; Relying on the virtual teaching and research room, we will fully strengthen the teaching and research exchanges among universities and take the course Commercial Bank Operation and Management as a pilot to jointly build teaching resources such as syllabus, knowledge map, teaching videos, electronic courseware, exercise questions, teaching cases, experimental projects, practical training projects, and data sets. We will encourage colleges and universities to jointly build high-quality teaching resource banks, excellent teaching case banks, and high-quality teacher training resource banks to promote interconnection, co-construction and sharing; Make full use of information technology to explore a teacher teaching and research model that breaks through the limitations of time and space, is efficient and convenient, has various forms and combines online + offline, and promotes the research and exploration of professional construction, curriculum implementation, teaching content, teaching methods, teaching means, teaching evaluation and other aspects.