Ao Li
Name:Li ao | |
Department:Department of Investment | |; | |
Professional title:Lecture | |
Research direction:Company Finance; Corporate Finance; Enterprise Innovation; Venture Capital; Corporate Governance |
[1] Wu Chaopeng, Li Ao, Zhang Qi. Does Air Pollution Affect the Quality of Managerial Human Capital of Companies? The Journal of World Economy, Issue 02, 2021.
2] Wu Chaopeng, Zhang Qi, Li Ao, Wu Shinong. An Empirical Study on the Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on the Financial and Innovation Performance of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions of Enterprises. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2024. (Accepted and pending publication)
[3] Wei Wu, Shuang Yang, Ao Li, Yu Chen, Sicen Chen. Does interest rate liberalization affect corporate green investment?Energy Economics,2024, 131,107377.
[4] Ao Li, Sicen Chen, Qihao Zhang, Chengyi Liu. The disappearing of firm investment efficiency: From the perspective of the discrepancy between production and consumption prices. Finance Research Letters,2023, 58, 104543.
[5] Zheng Yulan, Ao Li, Zehao Yan, Yuxin Bai, Sicen Chen. Does employee whistleblowing inhibit corporate pollutant emission. International Review of Financial Analysis,2024,91, 103009.
[6] Wei Wu, Naishan Zhang, Ao Li, Yu Chen. The path to global climate justice: From the perspective of regional discrepancy in embodied carbon emissions.Environmental Impact Assessment Review,2024,105, 107410.
[7] Xiaowei Lin, Ao Li, Pengdong Zhang, Wenchuan Chen. The Disciplinary Role of Product Market Competition on Cash Holding.International Review of Economics and Finance, 2023, 01, 653-671.
[8]Zhi Zhang, Di Zhang, Senyang Jiang, Ao Li, Wei Yu. The Effect of Language on IPO underpricing: Evidence from a Multinational Research. International Review of Financial Analysis,2023,89, 102717.
[9] Nan Lin, Ao Li, Jinjun Ke, Jiayue Yuan, Han Chen. The Governance Role of Corporate Party Organization on Innovation.International Review of Economics and Finance, 2023, 03, 657-670.
(1) Environmental Quality and Corporate Governance: Impact Mechanism and Economic Consequences, Central University Basic Scientific Research Project, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2022, host
(2) Research on Scientific and Technological Self-reliance as a Strategic support for National Development, Major project of National Social Science Foundation, ongoing research, participants