Bai Xiaoying et al.:The path identification and financial stability mechanism of macro-financial risk contagion in China

Associate Professor Bai Xiaoying, a researcher at the School of Finance, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, and the Innovation and Introduction Base of Digital Technology and Modern Finance, edited the Path Identification of China's Macro-Financial Risk Contagion and Research on Financial Stability Mechanism by Economic Science Press.

Content introduction

This book studies the sectoral characteristics and paths of macro-financial risk contagion in China, and 

proposes macro-supervision countermeasures and micro-enterprise mechanisms for financial stability. It not 

only theoretically explains the phenomena of China's financial sector shifting from real to virtual, the 

financialization of the enterprise sector, and the gray rhinoceros of macro-financial risk contagion, but 

also provides theoretical basis and policy reference for effectively preventing and controlling macro-finan-

cial risks in China.

Research on the Path Identification of Macro-Financial Risk Contagion and Financial Stability Mechanism in 

China was supported by the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project (18YJA790003) of the Ministry of

 Education and the Digital Technology and Modern Financial Discipline Innovation and Intelligence Base 

project (B21038) of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology.